Sabtu, 29 September 2012

Our hero

Teacher is the second parent for us as a student. Someone who is very important for us, without them we never know everything. We can call them unsung heroes, because they are give me some knowlegde, some experience some teaching sincerely.

No one perfect. Every teacher have some mistake. Should we grade our teacher? Mostly teacher more older then us. When we want to judge them, we will think that is very impossible. Usually students judge the teacher but not in each teacher, Students will judge with their friends. With it when the teacher know how is the flaw. Some teacher have some flaw, maybe in  their teach or etc. Be better if we speak to the teacher that we don’t like the ways of the teacher teach.when we just keep our disagreement about teacher in our heart it can make us stress. So take it easy, you’re a humans that you have some right to show it.  I think with it teacher will know how is the flaw than you must judge them behind them. It’s a good things, but you must have the exact to discuss it. Teacher will not angry with you.

Some teacher have some characteristic, and you must understanding it. There are teacher that you assume them like your bestfriend or your older sister. You just a student, when you want judge them the teacher will angry and it can be influence in your report. because there are somekinds of teacher characteristics.

Back to our self as a student. We have some right to show it. You can show your bad feeling to the teacher exactly then we must keep it in our heart that can make us stress. But we still have some ways to show it and with exact time also. Don’t afraid to prove it. All off us as a humans, not perfect and also have some flaw in our life. 

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